Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Assistive Technology

Last week in my Ed Tech class we learned about assistive technology and the many different ways that it can help students with disabilities. We were assigned to look up some different websites that can help the teachers and students. As I google about assistive technology I came across many websites that have a lot of use tools that the teacher can use in her classroom. Some of these tools helped with reading and writing skills. There were website designed to help the parents become more involved into what their child was learning in school as well as parent-teacher involvement. There was one website that I discovered in my search that showed a video on you tube that had a teacher discussing a device that the child would use to communicate if the child can not speak. By a touch of a few buttons the child can express his or her self for what they need. For example the 1st button might be "I" 2nd button "want" and 3rd button "drink".
I think that it is amazing how technology has advanced so much to were it is there it be available to everyone who is in need of it.

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